A correlation indicator based on spatial patterns

Install and load R packages

install.packages("cisp", dep = TRUE)

Spatial pattern correlation

Using the same data as the gdverse opgd vignette. Since the spc function in CISP requires all input variables to be continuous, only continuous variables are retained in the data:

ndvi = gdverse::ndvi
## # A tibble: 713 × 7
##    NDVIchange Climatezone Mining Tempchange Precipitation    GDP Popdensity
##         <dbl> <chr>       <fct>       <dbl>         <dbl>  <dbl>      <dbl>
##  1    0.116   Bwk         low         0.256          237.  12.6      1.45  
##  2    0.0178  Bwk         low         0.273          214.   2.69     0.801 
##  3    0.138   Bsk         low         0.302          449.  20.1     11.5   
##  4    0.00439 Bwk         low         0.383          213.   0        0.0462
##  5    0.00316 Bwk         low         0.357          205.   0        0.0748
##  6    0.00838 Bwk         low         0.338          201.   0        0.549 
##  7    0.0335  Bwk         low         0.296          210.  11.9      1.63  
##  8    0.0387  Bwk         low         0.230          236.  30.2      4.99  
##  9    0.0882  Bsk         low         0.214          342. 241       20.0   
## 10    0.0690  Bsk         low         0.245          379.  42.0      7.50  
## # ℹ 703 more rows
ndvi = dplyr::select(ndvi,-c(Climatezone,Mining))
## # A tibble: 713 × 5
##    NDVIchange Tempchange Precipitation    GDP Popdensity
##         <dbl>      <dbl>         <dbl>  <dbl>      <dbl>
##  1    0.116        0.256          237.  12.6      1.45  
##  2    0.0178       0.273          214.   2.69     0.801 
##  3    0.138        0.302          449.  20.1     11.5   
##  4    0.00439      0.383          213.   0        0.0462
##  5    0.00316      0.357          205.   0        0.0748
##  6    0.00838      0.338          201.   0        0.549 
##  7    0.0335       0.296          210.  11.9      1.63  
##  8    0.0387       0.230          236.  30.2      4.99  
##  9    0.0882       0.214          342. 241       20.0   
## 10    0.0690       0.245          379.  42.0      7.50  
## # ℹ 703 more rows
  g = cisp::spc(ndvi,cores = 6)
##    user  system elapsed 
##    0.84    0.20   21.50
## ***   Spatial Pattern Correlation    
## |      xv       |      yv       | correlation |
## |:-------------:|:-------------:|:-----------:|
## | Precipitation |  NDVIchange   |   0.39517   |
## |  Tempchange   |  NDVIchange   |   0.01905   |
## |  Popdensity   |  NDVIchange   |   0.00483   |
## |      GDP      |  NDVIchange   |  -0.02158   |
## | Precipitation |  Tempchange   |   0.07679   |
## |  NDVIchange   |  Tempchange   |   0.04977   |
## |  Popdensity   |  Tempchange   |   0.01516   |
## |      GDP      |  Tempchange   |  -0.01466   |
## |  NDVIchange   | Precipitation |   0.35303   |
## |  Popdensity   | Precipitation |   0.01140   |
## |  Tempchange   | Precipitation |  -0.00265   |
## |      GDP      | Precipitation |  -0.02745   |
## |  Popdensity   |      GDP      |   0.29824   |
## |  Tempchange   |      GDP      |   0.09282   |
## |  NDVIchange   |      GDP      |   0.08061   |
## | Precipitation |      GDP      |   0.04213   |
## |      GDP      |  Popdensity   |   0.15481   |
## |  Tempchange   |  Popdensity   |   0.04483   |
## |  NDVIchange   |  Popdensity   |   0.00442   |
## | Precipitation |  Popdensity   |  -0.07190   |

The results are visualized in a default network graph style:

Figure 1. Spatial Pattern Correlation Network Visualization Results
Figure 1. Spatial Pattern Correlation Network Visualization Results

But the results can also be plotted using the classic correlation coefficient matrix visualization style:

plot(g,style = "matrix")
Figure 2. Spatial Pattern Correlation Matrix Visualization Results
Figure 2. Spatial Pattern Correlation Matrix Visualization Results