Spatially Explicit Stratified Power Model

Install and load R packages

install.packages(c("sf","gdverse"), dep = T)
# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("stscl/sesp",build_vignettes = TRUE,dep = TRUE)
## Linking to GEOS 3.12.1, GDAL 3.8.4, PROJ 9.3.1; sf_use_s2() is TRUE

Using the same data as the gdverse idsa vignette:

depression = system.file('extdata/Depression.csv',package = 'gdverse') |>
  readr::read_csv() |>
  sf::st_as_sf(coords = c('X','Y'), crs = 4326)
## Rows: 1072 Columns: 13
## ── Column specification ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## dbl (13): X, Y, Depression_prevelence, PopulationDensity, Population65, NoHealthInsurance, Neig...
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
## Simple feature collection with 1072 features and 11 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: -83.1795 ymin: 32.11464 xmax: -78.6023 ymax: 35.17354
## Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
## # A tibble: 1,072 × 12
##    Depression_prevelence PopulationDensity Population65 NoHealthInsurance Neighbor_Disadvantage
##  *                 <dbl>             <dbl>        <dbl>             <dbl>                 <dbl>
##  1                  23.1              61.5         22.5              7.98               -0.0525
##  2                  22.8              58.3         16.8             11.0                -0.254 
##  3                  23.2              35.9         24.5              9.31               -0.0540
##  4                  21.8              76.1         21.8             13.2                 0.0731
##  5                  20.7              47.3         22.0             11                   0.763 
##  6                  21.3              32.5         19.2             13.0                 0.422 
##  7                  22                36.9         19.2             10.8                 0.113 
##  8                  21.2              61.5         15.9              8.57               -0.154 
##  9                  22.7              67.2         15.7             17.8                -0.320 
## 10                  20.6             254.          11.3             12.7                 0.457 
## # ℹ 1,062 more rows
## # ℹ 7 more variables: Beer <dbl>, MentalHealthPati <dbl>, NatureParks <dbl>, Casinos <dbl>,
## #   DrinkingPlaces <dbl>, X.HouseRent <dbl>, geometry <POINT [°]>

SESP With Linear Regression

  g1 = sesp(Depression_prevelence ~ ., data = depression,
            model = 'ols', overlay = 'intersection', cores = 8)
##    user  system elapsed 
##    5.20    0.86   28.68
## ***          Spatially Explicit Stratified Power     
##  Q values are estimated using *Ordinary Least Square* 
##  -------------- Global Power of Determinant : ------------
## Variable              Qvalue AIC      BIC      LogLik    
## Neighbor_Disadvantage 0.296  4372.009 4401.873 -2180.004 
## MentalHealthPati      0.286  4389.996 4429.814 -2186.998 
## PopulationDensity     0.276  4405.695 4445.513 -2194.847 
## X.HouseRent           0.225  4475.679 4510.520 -2230.840 
## NoHealthInsurance     0.225  4478.352 4518.170 -2231.176 
## Population65          0.222  4481.979 4521.797 -2232.990 
## DrinkingPlaces        0.209  4500.026 4539.844 -2242.013 
## Beer                  0.181  4533.007 4562.871 -2260.504 
## Casinos               0.179  4535.821 4565.685 -2261.911 
## NatureParks           0.175  4541.835 4571.698 -2264.917 
##  -------------  Global Variable Interaction : ------------
## Variable                                    Interaction  
## PopulationDensity ∩ Population65          Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ NoHealthInsurance     Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ Neighbor_Disadvantage Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ Beer                  Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ MentalHealthPati      Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ NatureParks           Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ Casinos               Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ DrinkingPlaces        Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ X.HouseRent           Enhance, bi- 
## Population65 ∩ NoHealthInsurance          Enhance, bi- 
## ! Only the top ten items of global scale are displayed.
## ! The others can be accessed through specific subsets.
plot(g1,slicenum = 10) +
  ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(
                                  angle = 30,vjust = 0.85,hjust = 0.75)
Figure 1. Results of SESP With Linear Regression
Figure 1. Results of SESP With Linear Regression

SESP With Spatial Lag Regression

  g2 = sesp(Depression_prevelence ~ .,
            data = depression,
            model = 'lag', cores = 8)
##    user  system elapsed 
##    8.17    0.78  247.42
## ***          Spatially Explicit Stratified Power     
##  Q values are estimated using *Spatial Lag Model* 
##  -------------- Global Power of Determinant : ------------
## Variable              Qvalue AIC      BIC      LogLik    
## Neighbor_Disadvantage 0.293  4256.111 4290.952 -2121.055 
## MentalHealthPati      0.287  4266.957 4311.752 -2124.478 
## PopulationDensity     0.241  4267.938 4312.733 -2124.969 
## NoHealthInsurance     0.208  4307.645 4357.418 -2143.822 
## Population65          0.189  4324.897 4369.692 -2153.448 
## X.HouseRent           0.189  4317.496 4357.314 -2150.748 
## DrinkingPlaces        0.168  4335.838 4380.633 -2158.919 
## Beer                  0.152  4354.059 4393.878 -2169.030 
## NatureParks           0.138  4373.845 4408.686 -2179.922 
## Casinos               0.134  4356.378 4391.219 -2171.189 
##  -------------  Global Variable Interaction : ------------
## Variable                                    Interaction  
## PopulationDensity ∩ Population65          Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ NoHealthInsurance     Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ Neighbor_Disadvantage Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ Beer                  Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ MentalHealthPati      Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ NatureParks           Weaken, uni- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ Casinos               Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ DrinkingPlaces        Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ X.HouseRent           Enhance, bi- 
## Population65 ∩ NoHealthInsurance          Enhance, bi- 
## ! Only the top ten items of global scale are displayed.
## ! The others can be accessed through specific subsets.
plot(g2,slicenum = 10) +
  ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(
                                  angle = 30,vjust = 0.85,hjust = 0.75)
Figure 2. Results of SESP With Spatial Lag Regression
Figure 2. Results of SESP With Spatial Lag Regression

SESP With Spatial Error Regression

  g3 = sesp(Depression_prevelence ~ .,
            data = depression,
            model = 'error', cores = 8)
##    user  system elapsed 
##    5.28    0.27  137.28
## ***          Spatially Explicit Stratified Power     
##  Q values are estimated using *Spatial Error Model* 
##  -------------- Global Power of Determinant : ------------
## Variable              Qvalue AIC      BIC      LogLik    
## Neighbor_Disadvantage 0.290  4252.835 4287.676 -2119.417 
## PopulationDensity     0.272  4227.185 4271.980 -2104.592 
## MentalHealthPati      0.270  4264.868 4309.663 -2123.434 
## X.HouseRent           0.220  4284.841 4324.660 -2134.421 
## NoHealthInsurance     0.220  4285.254 4330.050 -2133.627 
## Population65          0.217  4291.297 4336.092 -2136.648 
## DrinkingPlaces        0.203  4299.139 4343.935 -2140.570 
## Beer                  0.177  4327.157 4361.998 -2156.579 
## Casinos               0.170  4316.437 4351.278 -2151.219 
## NatureParks           0.164  4338.373 4373.214 -2162.186 
##  -------------  Global Variable Interaction : ------------
## Variable                                    Interaction  
## PopulationDensity ∩ Population65          Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ NoHealthInsurance     Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ Neighbor_Disadvantage Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ Beer                  Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ MentalHealthPati      Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ NatureParks           Weaken, uni- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ Casinos               Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ DrinkingPlaces        Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ X.HouseRent           Enhance, bi- 
## Population65 ∩ NoHealthInsurance          Enhance, bi- 
## ! Only the top ten items of global scale are displayed.
## ! The others can be accessed through specific subsets.
plot(g3,slicenum = 10) +
  ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(
                                  angle = 30,vjust = 0.85,hjust = 0.75)
Figure 3. Results of SESP With Spatial Error Regression
Figure 3. Results of SESP With Spatial Error Regression

SESP With Spatial Durbin Regression

  g4 = sesp(Depression_prevelence ~ ., data = depression,
            model = 'lag', durbin = TRUE, cores = 8)
##    user  system elapsed 
##    7.72    0.88  246.64
## ***          Spatially Explicit Stratified Power     
##  Q values are estimated using *Spatial Durbin Model* 
##  -------------- Global Power of Determinant : ------------
## Variable              Qvalue AIC      BIC      LogLik    
## MentalHealthPati      0.331  4233.808 4308.467 -2101.904 
## Neighbor_Disadvantage 0.313  4244.421 4299.171 -2111.210 
## PopulationDensity     0.286  4233.201 4307.860 -2101.600 
## NoHealthInsurance     0.269  4269.331 4353.945 -2117.666 
## X.HouseRent           0.239  4285.802 4350.506 -2129.901 
## Population65          0.233  4295.578 4370.238 -2132.789 
## Casinos               0.227  4298.022 4372.682 -2134.011 
## DrinkingPlaces        0.218  4297.905 4362.610 -2135.952 
## Beer                  0.189  4326.896 4381.646 -2152.448 
## NatureParks           0.188  4333.978 4388.729 -2155.989 
##  -------------  Global Variable Interaction : ------------
## Variable                                    Interaction  
## PopulationDensity ∩ Population65          Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ NoHealthInsurance     Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ Neighbor_Disadvantage Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ Beer                  Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ MentalHealthPati      Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ NatureParks           Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ Casinos               Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ DrinkingPlaces        Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ X.HouseRent           Enhance, bi- 
## Population65 ∩ NoHealthInsurance          Enhance, bi- 
## ! Only the top ten items of global scale are displayed.
## ! The others can be accessed through specific subsets.
plot(g4,slicenum = 10) +
  ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(
                                  angle = 30,vjust = 0.85,hjust = 0.75)
Figure 4. Results of SESP With Spatial Durbin Regression
Figure 4. Results of SESP With Spatial Durbin Regression

SESP With Spatial Autoregressive Combined

  g5 = sesp(Depression_prevelence ~ .,
            data = depression,
            model = 'sac', cores = 8)
##    user  system elapsed 
##    8.64    0.89  659.73
## ***          Spatially Explicit Stratified Power     
##  Q values are estimated using *Spatial Autoregressive Combined* 
##  -------------- Global Power of Determinant : ------------
## Variable              Qvalue AIC      BIC      LogLik    
## Neighbor_Disadvantage 0.280  4236.875 4281.670 -2109.437 
## PopulationDensity     0.263  4211.086 4260.859 -2095.543 
## MentalHealthPati      0.233  4257.856 4307.629 -2118.928 
## Population65          0.212  4271.953 4321.726 -2125.977 
## X.HouseRent           0.211  4263.141 4307.936 -2122.570 
## NoHealthInsurance     0.209  4265.819 4315.591 -2122.909 
## DrinkingPlaces        0.196  4277.345 4327.118 -2128.672 
## Casinos               0.168  4290.655 4330.473 -2137.327 
## Beer                  0.166  4308.727 4348.546 -2146.364 
## NatureParks           0.165  4314.683 4354.501 -2149.342 
##  -------------  Global Variable Interaction : ------------
## Variable                                    Interaction  
## PopulationDensity ∩ Population65          Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ NoHealthInsurance     Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ Neighbor_Disadvantage Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ Beer                  Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ MentalHealthPati      Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ NatureParks           Weaken, uni- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ Casinos               Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ DrinkingPlaces        Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ X.HouseRent           Enhance, bi- 
## Population65 ∩ NoHealthInsurance          Enhance, bi- 
## ! Only the top ten items of global scale are displayed.
## ! The others can be accessed through specific subsets.
plot(g5,slicenum = 10) +
  ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(
                                  angle = 30,vjust = 0.85,hjust = 0.75)
Figure 5. Results of SESP With Spatial Autoregressive Combined
Figure 5. Results of SESP With Spatial Autoregressive Combined

SESP With Geographically Weighted Regression

  g6 = sesp(Depression_prevelence ~ .,
            data = depression,
            model = 'gwr', cores = 8)
##    user  system elapsed 
##    7.81    1.02  138.22
## ***          Spatially Explicit Stratified Power     
##  Q values are estimated using *Geographically Weighted Regression* 
##  -------------- Global Power of Determinant : ------------
## Variable              Qvalue AIC      
## MentalHealthPati      0.384  4229.657 
## Neighbor_Disadvantage 0.368  4254.204 
## PopulationDensity     0.367  4256.980 
## X.HouseRent           0.324  4325.510 
## Beer                  0.306  4355.146 
## Population65          0.299  4365.582 
## Casinos               0.299  4366.973 
## DrinkingPlaces        0.291  4377.897 
## NoHealthInsurance     0.249  4436.470 
## NatureParks           0.238  4453.684 
##  -------------  Global Variable Interaction : ------------
## Variable                                    Interaction  
## PopulationDensity ∩ Population65          Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ NoHealthInsurance     Weaken, uni- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ Neighbor_Disadvantage Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ Beer                  Weaken, uni- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ MentalHealthPati      Enhance, bi- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ NatureParks           Weaken, uni- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ Casinos               Weaken, uni- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ DrinkingPlaces        Weaken, uni- 
## PopulationDensity ∩ X.HouseRent           Enhance, bi- 
## Population65 ∩ NoHealthInsurance          Weaken, uni- 
## ! Only the top ten items of global scale are displayed.
## ! The others can be accessed through specific subsets.
plot(g6,slicenum = 10) +
  ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(
                                  angle = 30,vjust = 0.85,hjust = 0.75)
Figure 6. Results of SESP With Geographically Weighted Regression
Figure 6. Results of SESP With Geographically Weighted Regression

Results of optimal spatial discretization

plot_optdisc = \(g){
 gmap = sf::st_set_geometry(g$optdisc,sf::st_geometry(depression))

 fig1 = seq_along(g$optdisc) |>
   purrr::map(\(.x) ggplot2::ggplot(data = gmap) +
                ggplot2::geom_sf(ggplot2::aes(color = factor(g$optdisc[,.x,drop = TRUE])),
                                 alpha = .65, size = 0.5) +
                ggplot2::labs(color = 'zones') +
                ggplot2::theme_void() +
                  legend.position = "none")
                ) %>%
   patchwork::wrap_plots(ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE) +
     tag_levels = 'a',
     tag_prefix = '(',
     tag_suffix = ')',
     tag_sep = '',
     theme = ggplot2::theme(plot.tag = ggplot2::element_text(family = "serif"),
                            plot.tag.position = "topleft"))
Figure 7. Optimal spatial discretization result with linear regression operator.
Figure 7. Optimal spatial discretization result with linear regression operator.
Figure 8. Optimal spatial discretization result with spatial lag regression operator.
Figure 8. Optimal spatial discretization result with spatial lag regression operator.
Figure 9. Optimal spatial discretization result with spatial error regression operator.
Figure 9. Optimal spatial discretization result with spatial error regression operator.
Figure 10. Optimal spatial discretization result with spatial durbin regression operator.
Figure 10. Optimal spatial discretization result with spatial durbin regression operator.
Figure 11. Optimal spatial discretization result with spatial autoregressive combined operator.
Figure 11. Optimal spatial discretization result with spatial autoregressive combined operator.
Figure 12. Optimal spatial discretization result with geographically weighted regression operator.
Figure 12. Optimal spatial discretization result with geographically weighted regression operator.